
This is your Union, make it strong
Terri Coffey, Recording Secretary, Local 892

Dear Members of Local 892:

Fall is upon us, with blustery winds, falling leaves and the anticipation of the first snowfall. Best of all, the Holidays are coming up. I hope you and your loved ones have a Safe and Happy Holiday season!
It was nice to see so many members at our last General Membership Meeting, held on October 27th. I could only wish, we had this many members attend regularly. But, sadly it takes something like a Bylaw change to bring people in. These meetings are held for YOU, the membership, hence the words, General Membership Meeting.
I have a number of people on a regular basis, ask me what is going on. If you would attend your membership meetings, you would know, first hand. You would also be able to vote on motions and Bylaw changes that may very well effect you. The meetings give you a good perspective on how your union dues are spent and what your Union Leadership is doing for your benefit.
I hear complaints on the floor, that the In-Plant Committee is doing this, they are not doing that. Well, if you attended, at least, the last two meetings, you would have seen first hand, the hard work and dedication these Officers do, so you can have a safe and fair workplace. It's the hard work and sweat of your current and the past elected and appointed Officers, that has given you the pay, benefits, safety and seniority rights, you enjoy today.
This is your Union, make it strong by joining a standing committee, attending Membership meetings, and the many Union functions and events that happen on a regular basis. There's more to being a Union member than paying dues. BE INVOLVED! BE INFORMED! BE UNION!
Respectfully submitted, 
Terri Coffey, 
Recording Secretary, Local 892